This is a non-commercial blog.
The reason why you didn’t see a cookie banner popping up is because the only cookies used on the website are technical necessary cookies. I also neither collect nor store your personal data, use social media plugins or tracking software like Google Analytics. More information you can find in the Privacy Policy section.
Every item I write about here on this website, I own and paid for myself.
I don’t use affiliate links or any other links, nor do I get paid by companies/publishing houses for any articles I write here. Some articles are positive, some less so. That has only do with my individual experience and feeling.
What I write is my opinion and my opinion alone.
I write because I like it. It feels good. And I hope you like it, too.
I took all the pictures shown on the website myself.
I put my logo only on those photos where I interpret things, transport ideas and make visible what I feel when smelling or reading or hearing or seeing or touching something.
You can easily differentiate those art photos from the ones where I strictly photographed a book cover or a perfum bottle to give the author / publishing house / brand credit in a blog post.
In the first case the copyright to the book cover belongs to the publishing house and the author of the book and in the second case the perfume bottles / brands are well known and seen on the pictures.
For books I give full captions of publishing house and author at the end of each article.
To write about specific perfumes without naming brand and product name is not possible.
In case you feel I did not identify something clearly or violated rights, please get in touch.
As this blog is a private blog and a hobby, I don‘t check emails every day, but promise to respond as soon as it is possible for me.
I deactived the comment function because it attracts spam and is not so easy to handle regarding data protection. If you have ideas, suggestions or questions, please contact me by e-mail:
I also answer questions that are frequently asked on the FAQ page.