Give and Take – The Duke and the Duchess of Windsor

Aiming at an art review, I wanted to write first only about the beautifully illustrated book “The Windsor Style” by Suzy Menkes. When flipping through the book, the well researched and mostly friendly biography of Wallis Simpson “The Duchess of Windsor” by Greg King came back to my mind. This biography shaped my views about… Continue reading Give and Take – The Duke and the Duchess of Windsor

A successful, refined lady – Chanel “No. 19”

Almost Everybody holds Chanel’s “No. 19” in high esteem. One rarely finds a negative comment in the well-known internet platforms; the scent is rated extremely good. Still, it’s certainly not a crowd-pleaser. From its launch in 1971 the scent was seen as ground-breaking. And Chanel No. 19 is here to stay forever, like only few… Continue reading A successful, refined lady – Chanel “No. 19”

Categorised as Scents

A subtle tropical embrace – “Frangipane” by Chantecaille

Chantecaille, such a beautiful name for a perfume and cosmetics company! Founder Sylvie Chantecaille only used her own surname, but she could not have it gotten more right. It sounds like a thoroughbred noble French company and exactly that kind of perception one wants to have in high-end cosmetics/perfumes. I had indeed always thought Chantecaille… Continue reading A subtle tropical embrace – “Frangipane” by Chantecaille

Categorised as Scents

Why do we travel?

Why do we travel to foreign countries during our holidays? Mainly we do not travel for the act of travelling itself, with delayed planes, full trains, traffic jams, complaining children, discussions with hotel staff, bad food at motorway service areas and airports, the stress of packing and so on. There are exceptions in business travel,… Continue reading Why do we travel?

Elizabeth Taylor – beauty and jewels in abundance

Elizabeth Taylor, one of the most admired actresses, beauty queens and role models of all time, died in 2011 after a life lived to the full. It was quickly announced thereafter that Christie’s would be auctioning off her personal belongings. I was always a huge fan of that exquisite beauty with her preference for jewels… Continue reading Elizabeth Taylor – beauty and jewels in abundance

Colours mean more than meets the eye “If it’s purple, someone’s gonna die” by Patti Bellantoni

The book is an eye opener when it comes to colours. I always loved colours and had an innate way of combining them, so I know what I like and what looks good on me. Probably a lot of people have this sense to a lesser or higher extend. One might also have heard that… Continue reading Colours mean more than meets the eye “If it’s purple, someone’s gonna die” by Patti Bellantoni