The yacht as a symbol of wealth

Wolfgang Behnken and Leonard Prinz wrote a perfectly nice book about famous people on yachts, their own ones, or other people’s. They collected humorous stories about those “Stars on Board” and added an ounce of criticism, as most of the featured celebrities milked the background of a yacht to its limits. The book is easily… Continue reading The yacht as a symbol of wealth

Russia’s Imperial jewellery

During the last years some books were published that allow the interested reader to follow track of Russia’s Imperial jewellery. Before that, one could read something here and there about beautiful jewels that had disappeared, but it was impossible to follow through and get the full picture. To many pieces, too few pictures, too little… Continue reading Russia’s Imperial jewellery

Unearthed – The Smithsonian National Gem Collection

To leave the most beautiful collection of jewellery worldwide on display in the Smithsonian Museum for Natural History in Washington, instead of making a huge fuss about it in a newly erected architectural showpiece, is a rather un-American understatement. The collection resides in one wing on the second floor of the Museum on Washington’s central… Continue reading Unearthed – The Smithsonian National Gem Collection

Sicily in his blood – Fulco di Verdura’s life and jewellery

Patricia Corbett wrote a wonderful book about Sicilian nobleman Fulco Santostefano della Cerda, Duke di Verdura. He, in turn, brought the light and colours of his home island to his jewellery and with that to the whole world of people who could afford it or, at least, had the chance to look at pictures and… Continue reading Sicily in his blood – Fulco di Verdura’s life and jewellery

The centuries before cat videos – “The Cat” by Caroline Bugler

The social media age made cats the most loved YouTube stars, just think of “Grumpy Cat” and the likes. In the many centuries before, the cat in art was second to horses and dogs, as Caroline Bugler explains in her fascinating book “The Cat, 3500 Years of the Cat in Art”. Some of the facts… Continue reading The centuries before cat videos – “The Cat” by Caroline Bugler

Give and Take – The Duke and the Duchess of Windsor

Aiming at an art review, I wanted to write first only about the beautifully illustrated book “The Windsor Style” by Suzy Menkes. When flipping through the book, the well researched and mostly friendly biography of Wallis Simpson “The Duchess of Windsor” by Greg King came back to my mind. This biography shaped my views about… Continue reading Give and Take – The Duke and the Duchess of Windsor