Why do we travel?

Why do we travel to foreign countries during our holidays? Mainly we do not travel for the act of travelling itself, with delayed planes, full trains, traffic jams, complaining children, discussions with hotel staff, bad food at motorway service areas and airports, the stress of packing and so on. There are exceptions in business travel,… Continue reading Why do we travel?

Colours mean more than meets the eye “If it’s purple, someone’s gonna die” by Patti Bellantoni

The book is an eye opener when it comes to colours. I always loved colours and had an innate way of combining them, so I know what I like and what looks good on me. Probably a lot of people have this sense to a lesser or higher extend. One might also have heard that… Continue reading Colours mean more than meets the eye “If it’s purple, someone’s gonna die” by Patti Bellantoni

What is important for you? – Inspired by “La Bella Figura” by Kristi Belle

Life changes direction from time to time and one better accepts it and tries to ride the wave, even if one is scared. Sometimes one makes unintentional choices that lead in a certain direction and suddenly one arrives at a crossroads and decides to change a few things. At other times, one feels quite comfortable… Continue reading What is important for you? – Inspired by “La Bella Figura” by Kristi Belle