Maison Lancome “Oud Bouquet” “Roses Berberanza” “Oud Ambroisie” “Parfait de Roses” – The perfect Roses

Few other perfume brands can make roses smell as wonderful as Lancome can. As they have a rose in their logo, maybe they make it a statement. The exceptional rose scents from Lancome are not only found in the very high-end range of the house (Maison Lancome), but also in the classic perfume lines like… Continue reading Maison Lancome “Oud Bouquet” “Roses Berberanza” “Oud Ambroisie” “Parfait de Roses” – The perfect Roses

Categorised as Scents

Fifi Chachnil “Fifi”- Straight to the heart

Without Fifi Chachnil’s signature scent I wouldn’t be writing that blog, maybe also would not have started collecting luxury niche perfumes. What a world missing… I always liked scent, no doubt, but second place compared to cosmetics and everything visual. I wore scent in addition to an elegant outfit or depending on mood, not giving… Continue reading Fifi Chachnil “Fifi”- Straight to the heart

Categorised as Scents