The Aeolian Islands, also known as the Liparian Islands, just off the north-eastern coast of Sicily have a unique romantic quality. Known since ancient times, they were believed to be the home of Aeolus, the God of Winds. Abraxas, after whom the perfume is named, is said to have been the horse of Aeolus. Odysseus, on his travels after the Troyan War, stopped there and Aeolus tried to help him by capturing the unfavourable winds for his journey home in a bottle. His companions, though, were curious and opened the bottle, prolonging the trip back home for a long time. The Aeolian Islands are of volcanic origin, rugged and with high peaks, fantastically beautiful to behold, but with an untamed interior.
This can be smelled with a raw directness in the perfume “Abraxas”. The main scent notes are fresh lemons, and multiple herbs like thyme and sage. If you close your eyes, you can see the waves crashing against a wild coastline with little vegetation. The perfume does not become smoother over time, it stays a statement against softened life concepts of spoilt people far removed from nature. The overall impression of the perfume is one of freshness, paired with directness and honesty.
The colours of the perfume are green, yellow and black.
According to EolieParfums, the full list of scent notes for “Abraxas” includes bergamot, lemon, raspberries, green notes, leather, thyme, patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood, sage, white musk, vanilla, labdanum, amber and tonka bean. I cannot smell any of the sweeter notes, the dominating character of the perfume is certainly an herb lemon mixture.
The beauty of the islands is unquestionable, but visiting as tourist for a day or two, and living there, are 2 totally different things. The 7 Aeolian Islands are Vulcano, Lipari, Salina, Alicudi, Filicudi, Panarea, Basiluzzo, and Stromboli. Approximately 13.000 people live on the islands, 10.000 of them on Lipari alone. Looking at the islands realistically, there are no real towns, but small villages with little to buy but the necessities. Most of the inhabitants are fishermen since generations.
By now tourism has become an alternative work area for many, and certainly one with less physical exertion. There are only few ferries and aliscafis (fast boats) from the mainland of Italy or Sicily. In comparison to e.g. Capri, Ischia, and Procida, the islands are difficult to reach, especially when the sea is slightly stormy and the boats stop transferring people for days. You notice that even in summer – in winter there are few tourists and even fewer boats. As the weather becomes uncomfortable, only the real islanders stay. Most people who live on the islands all year round are not rich, but when one looks for houses on the islands, the prices are shocking.
Lipari is the only island with plenty of cars, scooters, and a public bus available. The other islands have considerably less individual transport options. On some islands inhabitants and tourists have two options: to walk and use donkey-carts. This is certainly romantic for a day or two, but afterwards one must really want it to take up with it.
Due to their beauty, artists ventured to the Eolian Islands. Olga Iossa, founder of EolieParfums, is originally from Naples, but travelled to the islands since the 1970s. Her career before starting EolieParfums in 2014 is unknown to us – and as usual with founders who do not wish to dwell on their earlier careers, we accept that in good grace. It is her life.
Since 2014 Olga Iossa created perfumes, based on the various Aeolian Islands or certain aspects of their mythology. She takes pride in EolieParfums being a company run by women in a sustainable way.
Alessio Pracanica, a doctor turned writer from Messina, wrote the story behind the perfume “Abraxas”. As can be seen in the picture above, a little booklet with the story how the horse Abraxas fell in love comes with the perfume. Alessio Pracanica writes, lives and works on Lipari.
The painting on the cover of the booklet was designed by Loredana Salzano, who was born in Naples and lives since many years now on Lipari. She is a regular contributor to EolieParfums, as she illustrated many of the creations.
By now, 10 years after EolieParfums has been founded, the niche brand is well respected and seems to be growing. Some sweeter and softer perfumes joined the collections. Online ordering became easy and in Naples there is even a store of Eolian Parfums. It would be great to see the ongoing success of Olga Iossa and her perfumes that celebrate the beauty and raw nature of the Aeolian Islands, just off the coast from Sicily.